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Pachmayr (Lyman) Decelerator Magnum Slip-On Recoil Pad M

15 €

92278, Illschwang, Deutschland
ID: 9448456
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Über den Verkäufer
Pieter Erasmus
Privater Verkäufer
Aktiv seit 21.01.2025


🇩🇪 92278, Illschwang, Deutschland
Versandkosten trägt
Versand erfolgt
innerhalb der EU

National DHL: €6,19
Innerhalb der EU: €8,99

3 Änderungen


Gute gebrauchten Zustand. Ist ganz praktisch als einfache Schaftverlängerung.

Von der Hersteller:

Combining the advanced recoil control of the popular Decelerator internal design and material with Pachmayr's patented insert, this great looking slip-on recoil pad is unmatched by any other hunting pad. In addition, the material and design of the recoil pad make installation easier than ever. Best of all, all these features are offered at a price that is no more than other, less advanced pads. No other slip-on recoil pad can match all the features of Pachmayr's new Decelerator Slip-On at any price. Both black and brown models are available.

No other slip on has the patented, Pachmayr Speed-Mount insert. Experience the reduced felt recoil with the Decelerator Magnum Slip-On Recoil Pads. Order today!

  1. Practical - This Speed-Mount equipped slip-on is the ideal match for today's popular synthetic stocks, whether black or camo.
  2. Classic - Whether Vintage gun or the latest modern design, shooters can minimize recoil while retaining the gun's original specifications and value.
  3. Tactical - Tame the hardest hitting tactical load with this Decelerator Slip-On.

Medium - 1-1/2" to 1-3/4" wide x 5" to 5-3/16" long


Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Sachmängelhaftung. Keine Rücknahme oder Umtausch möglich.


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